Daniel Schofield was one of the designers celebrated this month for his Design Guild Mark winning Backer chair.
Based in London, Daniel’s approach to design advocates simplicity, explores materiality, and emphasises purpose. He collaborates closely with industry to create innovative and timeless objects for everyday life.
Daniel studied art and graphic design at Warwickshire college, before embarking on a carpentry apprenticeship building houses and offices, and restoring historic buildings. This combination of arts-based education and hands-on craft experience evolved into a passion for design, culminating in a degree in furniture and product design at Sheffield Hallam University.
The fusion of graphics, architectural construction and product design informs Daniel’s visual language and creative direction to this day.
We caught up with Daniel to find out more about him and what his influences are.
Who is your design hero?
This week Achille Castiglione. Everything he designed had a reason, something that really resonates with me. I can struggle to connect with something if its purpose isn’t clear or well fulfilled.
When did you first decide you were going to be a designer?
Subconsciously a long time ago, I was always making and drawing as a kid. But realistically it was probably second year of university, it really clicked then and was obvious it was for me.
What was your first big break in the industry?
Very hard to say, I’ve had a lot of people be very generous to me with their time and advice – that always means a lot.

What was the first product you ever designed?
A toy sword with my grandad, he was a carpenter and we would make things in the shed when he came to visit from Liverpool.
What do you enjoy about being a designer?
Being creative and solving problems.
What is the most frustrating aspect of your job?
Having to wait for things to happen, I’m trying to be more patient!
Which design are you most proud of?
The next one usually, it’s hard to feel settled with a design as you always think you can improve it.

What is your creative process?
Looking, questioning, talking, drawing, lots of drawing! And listening to music.
What influences you?
Manufacturing, materials, details, everyday life, conversations with friends, music, art, sculpture, the list goes on.
Is there a product you wish you’d designed?
The Glo Ball by Jasper Morrison for Flos. It’s a timeless piece.
For more information about Daniel Schofield, go to https://danielschofield.co.uk/